Thursday, August 13, 2009

Toy Catalogue Fundraiser


If anyone would like to place an order on any of the catalogues, please hand in your orders at the 7th of September meeting with your payment (for group delivery).

How to order:-

  1. Choose the toys and gifts from the catalogue that you wish to purchase. There is only one Educational Experience catalogue per group; however, those who wish to should be able to take one each of the Chalk and Parent Direct catalogues.
  2. Fill in the order form that is in the middle of the catalogues. Please complete a separate order form for each company’s catalogue, though feel free to pool your orders onto one form within your group for each company if you wish.
  3. If you would like playgroup to receive your order, the delivery charge is $3.85 for Educational Experience and $3.90 for Chalk and Parent Direct. Pickup will be at the hall. We will let you know of pickup details when orders are received.
  4. If you would like your order home delivered, please send your order form direct to the company with payment. There are addition delivery charges applicable, which are $8.80 for Educational Experience and $7.90 for Chalk and Parent Direct for direct delivery.
  5. Please hand in your order form at the 7th of September meeting with your payment for group delivery. Payment is by way of cash, cheque, money order or credit card. Cheque and money orders to be made payable to which ever company you are ordering from.

    If you have any questions please let me know.


    Liz Strike
    Fundraising Officer
    St Andrews Playgroup Committee

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