Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome and General Information for Playgroup's

Welcome to the St Andrews Uniting Church Playgroup

This pack has been put together to assist you with establishing your playgroup within the St Andrews Playgroup facility and to ensure you get the most of your time with us.

All members should read the enclosed information thoroughly and then this pack can be stored in your drawer in the kitchen for future reference.

In order for a group to be a member of the St Andrews Uniting Church Playgroup (STAUCP) the following apply:

  • Each group must have:
    - a group name e.g Bacchus Marsh Tots
    - a group leader and deputy
    - a Playgroup Victoria Representative

  • The group must be registered with Playgroup Victoria. Each family will be required to register annually. A concession is available for those who meet the criteria. Registration and membership ensures that your group is covered in the event of an accident. All members of the group need to be registered in order for insurance to be valid. A Playgroup Victoria manual and DVD is available which describes in detail the role of the organization.

  • Each group must nominate a Playgroup Victoria representative to be responsible for ensuring all registrations are paid and copies of Current Session Status Sheet and receipt of registration are given to Committee annually. Please organise this ASAP.


This facility is owned by the St Andrews Uniting Church. We are one of several users of the facility. Please respect other users , particularly during funerals, meetings etc. Please ensure children do not run or ride bikes near the toilet area and that children are always supervised when going to the toilet.


Each group is given a hall key for their use. Please do not record the name of the hall on the key or your key ring, for security reasons. Lost keys are replaced at a cost.


Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month (except January) in the playgroup hall at 7.30pm. A representative of each group (usually Group Leader) is required to attend. The meetings usually last 1 hour.

If you would like to raise an item, please contact the Co ordinator a week before the meeting to ensure it is allocated time on the Agenda.

The purpose of the meetings is to:
- meet other playgroup members
- to be apart of a positive network that supports playgroups of St Andrews
- pay weekly fees/church fees to Treasurer
- be aware of upcoming events organised by the Committee
- express any ideas
- voice any concerns
- ask any questions
- keep up to date


Weekly playgroup fees and Church fees are required to the paid to the Treasurer at each meeting. The envelope should be labeled with the group name, amount contained and dates the group met. For example,

ABC Group $132.00 for 1/12/08 – 31/1/09

Playgroup Victoria fees are required to be paid direct to PGV. For more details contact or 1800 171 882.

First Aid

A first aid kit is provided in the kitchen, above the coloured drawers.

Incidents requiring first aid are required to be entered in the incident book.

Craft cupboard

You are free to use whatever you like in the craft cupboards. Go crazy!

There are craft help sheets in the black filofax in the top of the red cupboard, if you are stuck for ideas.

Please keep the craft cupboards clean and tidy.


You are welcome to use tea, coffee, etc provided in the cupboards. Long Life milk is kept in the fridge and when opened must have the date of opening written on it. If you are storing foodstuffs in the fridge, please clearly mark your group name on the item or it will be thrown out or get eaten!

Opened foodstuffs are not permitted to be kept anywhere but the fridge.

Cleaning products are in the cupboard under the sink and a broom, mop and dustpan are located behind the door.

Sunscreen, wipes and tissues are available for use and are located on or under the microwave.

Please note the ‘rules’ that apply to using the sponges ie what colour cleans what, to avoid cross contamination

Tea towels are removed weekly and cleaned.

Please ensure all child safety locks are replaced after use.

Shopping/Maintenance/Wish lists

On the desk in a blue folder you will find 3 list sheets:-

– shopping list (please write any items that you notice are low or need replenishing)
– maintenance list (for any items broken or needing repair)
– wish list (for any new items you would like purchased).


At the end of your session please allow 15 mins to clean up (dependant on activities and snacks). Every week, you must:-

  • Pack away all toys into their correct toy boxes
  • Vacuum
  • Wipe tables
  • Pack away all chairs
  • Mop
  • Wash and put away all dishes used
  • Remove rubbish
  • Pack up all outside toys and lock shed
  • Turn off all lights
  • Turn off fan / cooler / heater
  • Lock all doors incl toilets

Additionally, each group is allocated an additional cleaning task. Please see the notice board for more information.


All rubbish must be removed to the outside wheelie bin at the end of your session. Garbage bags are located in the kitchen drawers.

Nappies must not be left in the toilet bin. They must be well wrapped and removed to the outside bin also.

Council does not provide a recycling service to the Church so there is no recycling bin.

Outside play

Children must be supervised when playing outside, at all times.

The key for the shed (which houses the bikes and sand pit toys) is on a hook near the back door. There is also a key for the outside emergency gate, should you ever need to use it.


Most groups have snack time during their session. We request that all food is consumed at the tables only and thoroughly cleaned up after eating. This stops vermin and keeps the toys & toy boxes clean and sanitary.

Please ensure that nuts or nut products are not bought to playgroup in accordance with our Nut Policy and be aware of other allergies that children in your group may have.

Drying racks

Drying racks at provided at the end of the hall to dry paintings and artwork. Please ensure all artwork is clearly marked with each childs name and group. You should remove all artwork at the end of your session, or if still wet when you leave, they will be placed in your drawer for collection.

Storage Drawer

Your group will be provided with a drawer in the coloured drawers in the kitchen. Feel free to store paperwork, additional tea/coffee (ie decaf), in these drawers. For security reasons, please do not leave personal information (ie phone numbers of the group) or money in the drawers.

Sign in book

All users of the hall are required to sign in & out for each session. The sign in book is located on the desk under the noticeboard.


The whiteboard is used to communicate weekly news.